Monday, February 27, 2012

What is that?

"It looks like a tardcycle". I know whenever I get that type of reaction out of my wife I have found a good project. Picking a good build project is like going to an art museum. What will make someone want to puke will make the next guy giddy. That's how I feel about 1970 OHV's. These were the glory days of invention and fun when it came to the motorized world.  Bikes made by Bultaco, and Hodaka were all the rage. The only ATV with four wheels was amphibious or had training wheels on it.
From the back of magazines you could buy kits and plans to build anything. From go karts to modular homes, anything could be bought and assembled. It is from the back of magazines the Carl Heald inc sold the Super Tryke.

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